Jays Personal Training

Personal Training -Girls and Guys all ages
Monday to Friday- mornings and afternoons

Let me help you find the person in you dying to shine through!
If you would like to have a chat, give me a buzz on 0400310082

Looking for that Personal Trainer to give you motivation and nutritional advice.
You want to lose that flab, build strength and to find the you, that you want to be 'NOW'
Feel fantastic with an exercise program made individually for you
Nothing feels better than to be fit and strong
My clients have had fantastic results, let this be you too!
Having that one on one support and encouragement every session will lead to your success
Try my 8 week Challenge $40 per session or
share a session for $25 each
Come to my home studio Gym
Tafe NSW Certified III and IV Personal Trainer
Come on!
All shapes, sizes and ages, do it now!
Ring for a chat about you!

Jay on 0400310082

Look up my web page for a little insight into me! www.jayspersonalfitness.com

Boxing, weights, cardio, indoors, you'll love it!
